Oct 17, 2011

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines 
The Singapore is only 25 percent of the size of the state of Rhode Island, Singapore Airlines is one of the world's ten biggest airlines, as measured in international tons-kilometers of load carried. The airline became successful by concentrating on marketing. The goal of the airline's management was to create an international airline with a distinctly Asian personality. At the top of the priority list was an emphasis on customer service. The company used the island's main natural resource-the natural hospitality of its people-as a competitive advantage. Through comfortable seating, free drinks and movie headsets, and the hospitality of its flight attendants, Singapore Airlines has set the world standard for international air travel quality.
In 1991, the airline was facing increased competition and improved service quality from several Western and Asian airlines, including Cathay Pacific, Japan Airlines, Thai International, and Malaysia Airlines. The challenge facing the company was how to continue to maintain its outstanding reputation for customer service and technical innovation.


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